Monday, March 4, 2013

the things we learned

We learn from our mistakes right? Here are a few of our lessons from this growing season. 
 Our thumbs our getting greener every day.
We learned that we despise the white butterfly. It lays tiny eggs on our plants. Then the eggs turn into caterpillars and eat our veggies.
Luckily they were mostly into the Nasturtiums. I spent a lot of time picking the little green caterpillars off. It was actually strangely therapeutic. We equally dislike the aphids and white fly!
We learned that the tomatoes should probably be planted behind the Zucchini.
We learned our Hyacinth needs more soil to florish. And probably more light. We planted them in the middle of our circle of peas. The idea was that when the peas died off we would pull them down and have a beautiful purple hyacinth vine to look at. No such luck.
We learned that peppers,
and watermelon need to be started much sooner.

 There is always something to learn in the garden.

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