The other day I was watching my cats eat their evening meal. When Mama Luna was done she started scratching all around her food dish. Apparently this is an instinct. In the wild the cat would cover its food to hide it and save it for later. I thought, Oh silly cat, she is trying to hide her food, doesn't she know there will be more food later. I feed her twice a day!
Then I thought, hmmm maybe I am the silly one. She is showing her little kittens how to survive if they are ever left on their own. She is passing on ancient cat wisdom from the beginning of cat time!
We humans seem to be the one creature on this earth who doesn't learn from our ancestors! With every new generation we start over, thinking we know it all. I mean there are people today that think vegetables somehow magically appear in the supermarket. All washed and ready to eat even!
Then yesterday we noticed Mama Luna was hissing at the two remaining kittens. Whats that about?
Google to the rescue!
Mama cats will "encourage" their kittens to live their own life when they are old enough. She will do this by hissing and nipping and kicking of course. She is basically saying," Look here child, I have taught you all you need to know. It is time for Mama to be her own cat again and time for you to go out into the big wide world and fend for yourself." She knows they are ready for it even if they dont.
Bet some parents wish they could do this with their kids!
Cloud and Townsend would be impressed with cat boundaries.