Serenity has been having a few issues. She is still running, but she is just not herself these days. Our slow bus is going even slower, and not really enjoying any sort of hill.
Ah yes hills. Before we came to the land we had to dump our toilet. We pulled off an exit and saw a sign for a campground 2 miles away.Not bad, so we decided to dump there. Well the two miles was downhill on windy roads. No problem except that we have to get back up the hill. Normally that is not a problem, but with Serenity out of sorts....Well, Nigel pushed the pedal to the metal and up we went, slowly, slower, sloower, stop. Some of you might remember a similar incident at the Wyoming gathering!:)
We back up the bus, and the trailer and tried it again. Not even close. We started backing up again. At this point I am entertaining thoughts of where we will live at the bottom of this hill.
As we are backing down the second time a car drives by. They ask us if we need help. We tell them what is going on and they, being locals, tell us of an alternate route! A dirt road but not nearly so steep a hill. 10 minutes later and we are back on the highway!
A week or so ago I sent a text to a friend of mine saying that Serenity needed a little TLC.
We made it to Nomads Land safe and sound. Now what to do about Serenity. A group arrived shortly after us to do a bit of work on the Land. There was a man in the group who knew right away that our bus was a 1963. He used to drive the same kind in New York! As he knows a bit about the engines he offered to give Nigel a hand in figuring out what was wrong. He knew ALOT about our bus. He even took it for a test drive. City Bus style. My cupboards stayed in place, but I was a bit nervous. The name of the group was TLC!
Funny eh?
So Serenity got a bit of TLC. There is still quite a bit more needed. Nigel is in the process of taking apart the engine. Something about a blower and maybe a fuel injector. We have a manual coming in the mail that should help. We are enjoying our time at Nomads Land. It is a beautiful place with beautiful people.